Music and Writing

I’m not sure about you all, but I can’t write without music. I just thought I’d share my Pandora stations with you that I turn on to write to…



The Ozite Cycle – It doesn’t matter which of Thea’s novella’s I’m working on, the order of the day is Chambermaid Swing. This station is full of electric swing and puts me in the modernized, yet retro mood I need to create this noirish, yet futuristic Oz saga.

Less Than Charming/The Mark of the Storyteller – Turing Machine Radio all the way on this one. The softer, consistent, electronic beats sans vocals allows me to concentrate on maintaining the squirrely rules of this universe, but still provides me the musical fix I need to keep writing.

Benny’s Story – As you know, I gave in to all of you and am writing a companion story to Undeliverable which is the story of what happened to Benny. What most of you don’t know yet is it actually takes place a bit in the future, after Benny has gone to college, and he finds out that his family is not actually his family. So, to put myself into the angsty, younger, unsure of myself mood, I turn up the 90’s grunge/alternative genre station. It reminds me of all the awkward school dances, the struggle to find your individuality as a teenager, and all that crap. So glad I’m past it myself…well…kinda…

Cindy’s Shoes (I know its an awful title, its a working title, leave me alone) – I decided to try and take a foray into the more lascivious forms of writing cause, hey, that’s where the money is, right? Well, for these, I’m turning on the 80’s Pop Radio genre station. I think this music does it for me for this form because most of the romantic comedies I saw at a formative age came from the late 80’s/early 90’s, so it was my first introduction to romance. Like Romancing the Stone was all that romantic, but whatever works, right?

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